Saturday, December 14, 2013

'tis the season

I am officially done with my first semester at a new school! Hip-hip-horray! In other news, it is now time for the holidays to go into full swing.

My best friend in the whole wide world is going to Europe with his girlfriend for the entirety of our break, so the name of the game this year is "Distraction" -- trying to keep myself busy so I don't miss him as awfully as I do right now.

This is my first year having my own place, and I've restrained myself (as much as possible) when it comes to the decorations. I have a pencil tree, which is very in vogue nowadays, it seems, though I didn't know that when I bought it! I have to do artificial because of allergies, which breaks my heart each and every year..

I also put up a miniature tree in my bonus room, the same little tree that I had in my dorm room last year. I think it really bugged my roommates, but they didn't say anything so I continued celebrating in blissful faux-ignorance. [Oh randomly assigned roommates.... How I don't miss you at all!]

The lettered bunting over the window was homemade by yours truly, with some cardstock, twine, and glitter paint. I love "fairy lights," and didn't know that those are different from straight-up Christmas tree lights, so I bought some Christmas tree lights which, as you can see, are awkwardly hanging over the window. I've grown to love them... I think.

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