Sunday, December 29, 2013


Each year, I make a few New Year's resolutions. Last year, it was to go to the gym 3 times a week and give up sugar and soda, which happened precisely from New Year's until Spring Break.

Yes, I'm one of the people (and I am certain that some of you are, as well) who makes these lofty resolutions and never, ever sticks to them for more than a couple of months. This year, I'm hoping to change that -- though, I was also hoping to change that last year, and we all know now how that went.

This year, my resolutions aren't all that different than last year, but I'm hoping they're a tad bit more realistic and will work better with my schedule.

1. Go to the fitness room in your apartment (and don't feel ashamed that everyone can see you through the windows) at least once a week. And no, going twice on one week and then not going the next week is not acceptable.

2) Only drink soda once a week, at most.

3) Eat fewer sweets.

I'm hopeful that the slightly wibbly-wobbly nature of that last one will help me out, because giving up sugar entirely is completely not for me. However, Thanksgiving did make me gain a couple of pounds, so I'd really like to lose them again.

I hope everyone out there has a lovely and fantastic beginning to the new year!

Edit: Also, I'm going to try to stretch every day. It does the body good.

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