Tuesday, December 10, 2013


I'm going to forego the introductions for right now and skip right to the important bits. I've been having a bit of a winsome week and was just now thinking that it might be nice to make a happy list.

Ten things that have made me smile, against all odds

1. my sweet little dog, Chloe, who is turning five years old in just a few days
2. being one hundred percent through with the absolute worst class of my life, botany
3. christmas. lights, music, cookies, trees, ornaments, treats (the chocolate oranges are absolutely to die for)
4. emergen-c. it's been saving my life for the past few days
5. candy cane green tea, which is currently making my entire apartment smell ab-fab-fantastic
6. watching the rainy weather, cuddled up in bed
7. lunch plans with new friends
8. already having my holiday gifts bought, wrapped, and under the tree!
9. thick fuzzy sweater tights
10. starting to take photos again (partially for you, new little blog!)

I'm feeling better already!
Have a cosy, warm, cuddled-up week.

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