Sunday, December 22, 2013

birthday girl

This week, my dear puppy Chloe turned 5 years old! 

Here she is prior to eating her "cake" (an enormous peanut butter situation from our local dog bakery, River Dog Bakery). Oh boy, was she the happiest camper after that.

I can hardly believe that we've already had her for 5 years. I convinced my mom into getting her when I was a freshman in high school, sure that I was ready for the responsibility. Spoiler: I definitely was not. I have little memory of this, but apparently every time a dog would be in an advertisement or walking on the sidewalk, I would make eye contact with my mom and say "Oh LOOK. A PUPPY." Thanks for putting up with me, mom...

Here she is on the day that we got her, lo those many years ago. Such a cutie pie. I cannot believe how tiny she was. I feel so lucky to have her in my life. She is so full of happiness and love, and is always ready with cuddles when I have a bad day. Happy birthday, Chlo-bear. I love you lots.

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