Wednesday, December 11, 2013

midnight snack

A couple of weeks ago, I happened upon one of the grossest (and also tastiest) midnight snacks known to man.

Some of you will probably say, "But, that sounds disgusting and I would much prefer some Nutella on toast or literally anything else!" And to that I say, you sound like an functioning adult who knows how to grocery shop and has a toaster, so that isn't particularly relevant to me!

I call it "Faster Green Bean Casserole," and it's as simple as this:

Instant mashed potatoes (I like the garlic ones from Trader Joe's) + french cut green beans (heated up) + French's French Fried Onions. Mix all of those things together, and it's actually really tasty.

I wish I could tell you that this was an invention that I came across with Thanksgiving leftovers, but no. It was just what happened to be in my pantry. 

Please don't judge.

*I would include a picture, but it looks absolutely disgusting..

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