Monday, December 23, 2013

the most wonderful time of the year

From my "happy list," you probably gathered that I'm a pretty big fan of Christmas. Something about the season has always made me the happiest girl in the whole wide world. Everything seems to get magical around this time of the year. Some of my favorite memories have happened at Christmas. Baking with my grandmother, making menus and napkin holders for my dad's Christmas feast, picking out presents with my friends.

Here are some of the things about this time of the year that make me feel all cheery.

1) Christmas lights, making all of the houses look beautiful and amazing
2) an excuse to spend lots of time with family & friends, exchanging presents and cooking tasty food
3) holiday tea*, and making lots of excuses to drink it
4) all of the pretty and sentimental ornaments on people's Christmas trees
5) the bitter kind of December cold that I describe as "Christmas weather" even if it happens in the middle of February
6) fairy lights, everywhere
7) being able to wear fancy dresses and sparkly jewelry practically all of the time

*my absolute favorite tea is Trader Joe's Candy Cane Green Tea, with the polar bear on the package. yum.

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