Sunday, January 5, 2014

what i know now

(that I didn't know five days ago)

1. stir fry is very easy to cook and a wok is wholly unnecessary

2. sometimes, caring for yourself is difficult and you have to do things that you don't want to like block your favorite person from your Facebook feed and that is ok, pinky swear, because you need to do what it takes to feel better

3. making a loud whining noise when attempting a sit-up is NOT embarrassing and will only serve to make the neighbors think you're having weird sex, which is better than them knowing that you've not accomplished a sit-up since 2003

4. your abs and other muscles you've forgotten exist because you've not worked out since May remember that neglect and plan to make you pay for it, which is why you cannot stand up from your bed (or roll over... or carry a laundry basket... or bend in any direction...) without one of the aforementioned whining sounds*

5. even if you did not think you were straining your neck, you were probably straining your neck

6. that book moment where the weary protagonist "stepped into a hot shower and felt all of the muscles in her back slowly relax under the spray" is bullshit and you probably need to get a massage

*ouch... :(

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