Wednesday, January 1, 2014

nice little things

Every year around New Year's, the same old internet people come out saying the same old internet things. Here are my resolutions (I already took care of that) and here are things to do in the new year. Make a soufflé each day, call someone you love each day of January to start the year off right, bake your way through a cookbook and incorporate the day of the year into each recipe, etc. Well, last year I actually liked one of those silly little ideas enough to do it.

The Happy Thoughts In A Jar Idea

Basically, you get a mason jar or a little jar or anything see-through. I used a little square glass situation. I bought two of them about 4 years ago to fill with little origami wishing stars for my then-girlfriend. Wasn't that a cute idea wasted on an already-failing relationship??

Anyway, I had a jar left over.

So, I filled it up. I only did it until May, and then I only did it sporadically over the summer, and then I stopped entirely when I moved into my apartment at the end of July because I left it at my mom's house. But, I've got about 7 months of happy. It was really a lot of fun to do, and I highly suggest it to all of you because I just looked through it and it made me so pleased and nostalgic and also a little bit sad, which I think is the feeling you're meant to have on January 1st. 

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