Thursday, July 10, 2014

pup appreciation

I'll admit it, I'm a bit prejudiced. You probably anticipated that: I'm from East Tennessee, we have a reputation for being biased and "backwards" and all things antiquated. My prejudice is a bit different though: I inherently distrust people who don't like dogs. We can be getting along perfectly well, and the instant I hear that about someone, I pull back. It's nothing personal – you're just wrong, and you're directing all of that wrongness towards the most loving, adorable creatures on our planet. You understand why we can't be friends, right?

I mean, look at this pup. Chloe is a person. She can tell when you're having a bad day, and she'll curl up right beside you and lick the back of your hand and let you hug her all you want. She is one of the most caring individuals with whom I've ever had the pleasure to interact, and I don't know what is wrong with you if you don't like her. Just look at that face.

^ brooding, intense, thinking about Foucault and Pup-Peroni

 ^ those eyebrows, that mustache & beard - she's the little old man of the puppy set

^ observing her kingdom

^ "I caught it!! Now I'm going to take a nap, OK?"

^ a "come hither" glance

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