Tuesday, July 1, 2014

a one-pot wonder

Lately, my mother and I have been trying to cook dinners together more often. I looked at my bank account a few weeks ago and realized that I would have significantly more money if Sonic & Chick-Fil-A went out of business, and decided I needed to make a change. My mother then came to the same realization about her bank account & McDonalds.

One of the first recipes we've cooked together was this one-pot pasta, which Italian brothels supposedly used to make to serve to the ladies between clients. Whatever the roots of this recipe, it was quick and easy and oh my goodness, an apartment has never smelled more heavenly than while this was cooking. Added bonus: if you use non-dairy cheese, it's completely vegan!

One-Pot Pasta
adapted from soydivision.co.uk

12-16 oz spaghetti noodles (I used plain spaghetti, but think whole wheat would thicken the sauce more)
2 oz sliced black olives
1/2 cup cooked chickpeas
4 sundried tomatoes, sliced
1 small onion, minced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 (14 oz.) can diced tomatoes, drained
3 large handfuls of arugula
2 tbsp italian seasoning
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes*
salt & pepper, to taste
4 cups vegetable broth
shredded parmesan cheese, to serve

Add the uncooked pasta to a large pan (the wider the better!).

Top with the rest of the ingredients, less the parmesan, finishing by pouring the vegetable broth over the whole mess.

Cover the pan & bring to a boil. Once boiling, reduce to the lowest heat at which the broth still bubbles. Stir often, as it will stick to the bottom regardless of how much you stir, so you might as well run damage control.

It will be done in, no joke, about 10 minutes. Serve with a generous topping of parmesan.

*adjust based on your spice preference. the recipe i followed said 1/2 tsp, and our tongues were burning. the spice permeates the broth like crazy, so be cautious.

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