Monday, July 7, 2014

happy birthday, america!

For the week of the 4th of July, my grandparents rented a house on Oak Island, about a hour north of Myrtle Beach in North Carolina. I hadn't been to the beach in 5 years, so my mother and I packed up our bags and drove the oh-goodness-how-much-longer distance to spend the week with them.

saltwater sandals, even better when you're actually in saltwater!

what a view!

my precious mother and myself, riding backwards on a golf cart & scared out of our minds

"take a picture of those trees!" -my grandmother

the grandparents, being adorable and checking out the walking sticks at the annual 4th of July craft fair. the fair, I noticed, is much less interesting when you're too old to make sand art and be really excited about wind chimes.

my mother, matching the greenery

matching sunhats & sunglasses, because we're unintentionally adorable like that

photo credit goes to my mother, who took approx. 900 of these pictures "trying to get one that looks right!"

my little cousin, amazed by sparklers

the beach, mid-hurricane

I hope you all had a great 4th of July! Can you believe we're more than halfway through 2014??

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