Wednesday, June 25, 2014

a cute little list

I've just recently started reading BleuBirdBlog (what a precious little family, and they live in Nashville! Just a hop skip and jump away from here), and one of James' recent posts included this precious little list of things she's looking forward to this summer. I am stealing from her, egregiously.

I'm looking forward to:

Eating / A little bit healthier, day by day

Drinking / Sweet tea and lemon water with mint (sigh)
Practicing / Stretches, so maybe I can finally accomplish my silly dream to do the splits
Mastering / The art of being kinder to myself and to my family
Learning / To ride a bike
Trying / To water my succulent just enough, so its leaves stop turning yellow & shriveling away
Playing / With my hair, as I've got to get over this shove-it-in-a-bun phase
Finishing / Going through old boxes from the last time we moved (when I was a 4th grader...)
Reading / More, and everything (at the moment, Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld)
Remembering / To exercise every other day, even though I kind of remember now, I just don't
Wearing / Dresses and sandals, all day long
Cooking / Grilled chicken and veggies (on a panini press... not that fancy around here)
Working / On my summer courses
Traveling / To North Carolina, to Canada (maybe?), to Nashville, to Atlanta
Wanting / To be a little bit happier, walk a little bit lighter

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